BRAZILIAN floral art
this book, that has already been published, was part of a commissioned project by the ABAF - Associação Brasileira de Artistas Florais (Flower Artists Brazilian Association), in 2008. There were registered both profile and work of twenty one Brazilian promising artists, in this field, with the main goal of propagating these twenty one artists among Brazil, Germany and Holland. All the copies are sold out.
The images were used to establish a parallel between the ephemeral passage of time and the hotel room’s brief period of stay. This is an ongoing and open project since 2016 and it’s goal is a publication of a coffee table book. The campaign to raise funds to it’s print and publication will stay on air until May 7th of this year, through the Catarse crowdfunding platform.
The Story of a Portrait
What started as a fun post on Instagram, has evolved to a project - still without too many details, but with a lot of history and relaxation. Each portrait has a history and every Friday The History of a Portrait is told through @_jtbox instagram stories to take the viewers to the exact moment where the picture was taken and share with them the feeling of capture, in a fraction of a second, a magnificent and unrepeatable moment. On Saturdays, the instagram stories expires and a post to the feed is uploaded with a quote from the told story. This book is already been developed in our minds and it will be the next graphic project to be released from the studio.